The strengths of copper cookware are the copper is a great conductor of heat. it’s able to transmit the heat very rapidly throughout the whole pan so you’re left with a pan that’s got great evenly heated surface so if you’re cooking delicate things like scallops or shrimp. a nice simple example is pancakes, if you’re flipping a pancake and you notice one half is still raw and one half is cooked that’s because you’re using a pan that is not an evenly heated surface.
The tin is separating the food from the copper itself so if the pan does not have a lining of tin or silver those acids in the food can pull the copper right off into the food taste is metallic if you leave it for a period of time it’s gonna turn green.
So that vert degree that you think of copper producing is an acid time and raw copper. The linings for these pans are either a traditional tin and tins been used as a lining probably for hundreds of years. The endless ism is not a good conductor of heat easy to care for but the cooking of it which is the whole reason to have the pan in the first place isn’t as good a material on which to cook because of the stickiness of the steel versus the relatively nonstick inherently.
Nonstick tin or silver tin can melt at about 475 degrees as long as there’s liquid in the pan of some sort you’re not gonna have a problem with the tin melting. It that the liquids gonna keep the pan at 212 degrees until all the liquid is gone even with a tin-lined pan putting it on the stove before you turn on the flame have some sort of fat in there to start it’ll take the heat as well as give you an alarm
if the phone rings and you’re out -forgetting about the pan on the stove you’ll know you have 10 is a relatively soft metal it shouldn’t be scoured hard to clean it if you’ve got cooked on the material.
I always fill the pan back up with water little Dawn dish soap and just let it simmer loosen things up so that you can clean it up relatively easy scouring with these lines pans it’s going to eventually scour away that lining yeah the average rule of thumb is if you’re looking at a pan that has been used and you can see copper coming through the tin and you in your mind you adding it all up and it’s about the size of a quarter-time to get the pan rate in so a little bit of copper showing through isn’t the problem when it begins to be total about the size of a quarter it’s at that point time to get it redone.